Sunday, November 20, 2011

my 3 month old

I still can’t believe how fast these months go. Lincoln has been interacting a lot more with us. He just started really smiling and cooing at us. I LOVE it! Someday I hope to capture it on camera!

Weight: 11 lbs 2. oz Head: not sure! Length: Not sure!

He usually sleeps about 7 hours at night which is amazing! Last weekend Lincoln went on his first trip in an airplane to Arizona for our friends Tyler and Amy’s wedding. I will post more about that trip later. He also has been adjusting to day care. We are all getting into a routine now with me back at work. I am finally feeling a little better about it all now that I’m getting into the groove of things again. I am looking forward to the upcoming holidays with our new little one and our families!

Lincoln’s 3 month posing session didn’t go the greatest. He was Mr. Fussy so most pictures were him crying!

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

so here we are…

Sitting on the couch biting my lip. It is the day before I go back to work and I feel like tomorrow is the first day of school. My nerves are here yet excited to work with my kiddos and fellow teachers again. I get to meet new teachers and even new kids. Parts of me has excitement. The rest is filled with some sadness. I have loved being home with our son. I love watching everything he does all day long. I love to hold him when he cries or just need some cuddles. I love to kiss him any time in the day I want. I am going to miss him in the day. I know it will all be ok and this time was soon to come. I just want to freeze time… I am lucky to have the breaks we get as teachers. But right now I am just thinking about everything I will miss. And I am afraid I will miss some firsts. He will be in great hands and only a few minutes away from school so if I need to I can run and kiss him during lunch. I want Lincoln to know how much his mom loves him and always will. He is the most precious thing to me. Ok so writing this is only bringing the tears on so I must stop.

Here’s my fast growing boy:

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