Monday, January 9, 2012

Manfull Christmas

We had our Christmas with AJ’s family on the 17th. It was another nice day in December! We started our day off with quiche then let the girls open their presents for new toys to play with. Later we had delicious ham from Zippys, opened more presents and frosted a lot of cookies. Lincoln got toys, clothes and books!! We had a great day!

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Quite a few years ago Aj’s family had pictures taken all in their white ts. Nateria and Emily thought it would be fun for the significant others to take pictures in our white ts in just about the same poses and location. We took the pictures on Thanksgiving since it was so nice out then gave them the pictures for Christmas. They loved them!

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Later that night we kept Lincoln at AJ’s parents house for a couple hours so we could go to AJ’s work party. It was a lot of fun! Lincoln was Mr. Fussy while we were gone but luckily he slept over 9 hours for mommy that night!

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