Sunday, January 15, 2012

More Christmas!

On Christmas Eve day AJ and I exchanged presents and let the dogs get new bones out of their stockings. They had been really investigating their stocking for a couple days so were pretty excited to finally have their treat. Lincoln’s main present from us this year was his high chair. He was pretty stoked, soon he will be in it!

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That night we headed to the Christmas Eve service at our church with both our families. Uncle Monte drove all day from Colorado to get there in time. We were all so looking forward to seeing him, especially Lincoln since he had not met his uncle yet! After church we went back to my parents house to open presents and have appetizers.

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Christmas day we headed over to my grandma’s house for lunch.

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Lincoln is all about fitting as many fingers in his mouth as he can!

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My grandma really wanted pictures of Lincoln in her highchair. It is for dolls, but she has pictures of my brother and I sitting in it when we were 3 and 4 months old so Lincoln needed to carry on the tradition. His head was a little wobbly still so our hands were right there to prop it back up if needed:)

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Later that afternoon both our families went bowling! Lincoln was a good boy watching the action from his car seat and took a little nap. After bowling we all went to Peppers to eat. Lincoln started fussing there quite a bit and not eating so good, which I soon found out was due to the start of a little stomach bug :( Poor boy didn’t feel so good for a few days and we went through SO many diapers!

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