They are about 5 years old right now. (Willoughbys have a huge one that is 15 yrs. old!)
Usually AJ and I don't do very well with inside plants- but so far so good. I don't think I can kill this one. I kept the bigger one inside and made two smaller ones from the other plant which are outside.
Ben came earlier this summer and did some pruning for me. He made my two plants into four plants. It is really easy to start a new plant. You can either separate them (cutting the root) which new leaves come up pretty quickly. Or you can just take a leaf and stick it in water. Roots appear and there you go! I have started a couple plants for people- kind of cool.
I looked up a little more about Jade Plants. They can sometimes be referred to as friendship tree, lucky plant or Money Plant (I like the name of this one). It said under the right conditions, they may produce small white or pink star like flowers in early spring. I hope this happens:)
It had rained so had some yucky moss stuff in it.
The branch got a little wobbly so I later put a stick thing in there to hold it up.