Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lincoln’s 4 months!

Ok he’s a little more now since I am behind in blogging, what’s new! It has been so much fun watching Lincoln’s personality come out. He loves to smile and laugh. He is full of smiles now especially if you clap his hands together and pull down fast on his chin. He absolutely loves his mommy and daddy. Lately he just wants to be held which I love but makes it hard to get things done. I am getting much better at just letting those other things go and just embrace this time cuddling together! Lincoln is obsessed with staring at our ceiling fan and still loves bright lights. He actually loves when I change his diaper and clothes, we’ll see how long this lasts! He also tolerates Abby’s kisses quite nicely :)

He has had a cold for about three weeks so has been sleeping in our room in his rock and play sleeper. I am slowly making the transition back to his crib during naps but it isn’t the easiest. He sleeps all night now but will occasionally wake up once to eat but its more like a little snack and he’s back down. This past month he has been a little stinker with eating. My milk supply definitely has gone down since I went back to work and am having trouble getting it back up. This has made nursing more difficult. Lincoln also just does better with a bottle and I am finally accepting the fact that it’s okay for me to just pump and feed him on a bottle. He will nurse in the night if needed and in the morning (but only will eat on one side and then I have to pump and give the rest with a bottle). It’s a little more of a hassle but definitely less stressful for everyone. I will keep pumping as long as I can.

Lincoln started going to the chiropractor which has helped a lot. He has acid reflux which can make it hard for him to eat. He has much less spit up and now he burps so much better. He still can be a little fussy, more at night time. He is still not a fan of tummy time so trying to do it more often in smaller time amounts. He had his EDI therapy appointment last week to see how he’s progressing on development. She said he’s at about 3 months (really they still compare him to his gestational age so about 2 1/2 months) so he’s doing really good. He’s a little behind with his head, not quite holding up on own yet but close. He’s close to rolling over too. She said he pry would be if he had some more tummy time so will keep plugging away.

Thanks to Hansons and Hoskinsons for letting our little man wear their boy clothes!! It has been super helpful and much appreciated. He is wearing a few 3 months but mostly 3-6 months and some 6 months clothes. Everyone tells us he doesn’t even look like he was a preemie – has some good chubby cheeks and catching up very nicely!

4 month stats: (his percentile compared to preemie boys)

weight 12 lbs 12 oz 75-95%

height 23.25in 75-95%

head 39 cm 50-75%

12-23-11 044

12-23-11 058

12-23-11 134

12-8-11 113

I caught Roy one morning sitting in Lincoln’s rocker. When I got the camera he started getting down, he was sitting up very nicely enjoying his brother’s room!

12-23-11 006

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