Wednesday, August 15, 2012

ONE year ago

A year ago from today was a day that has changed our lives forever. A year ago our lil babe decided to arrive into this world 9 weeks early. 35 days of his life spent in the NICU. I can say it hasn’t been the easiest year of all, but he has brought so much joy and love into our lives. This time has gone by ever so fast and wish it would slow down just a bit. Here’s a lil glimpse of our sweet Lincoln over the past year.

Licoln's Birth Aug 15 2011 006

Licoln's Birth Aug 15 2011 031My first time holding him 19 hours later, felt like an eternity

phone pictures as of 9-11 009


first week at home with LJ 010

10-6-2011 031

2-14-12 044

4-15-2012 056

ballon edit

8-14-12 092

8-6-12 014

8-14-12 041

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